
For the past several weeks our family’s schedule has been a bit all over the place. Phil’s work has been hectic- requiring him to log quite a few night and weekend hours. It’s sort of thrown our rhythm and routine off; and add to that the start of school, soccer and ballet and my head’s spinning.   

The upside has been we’ve had the occasional weekday together- and there’s not much we like more than having him home with us in the daylight.  

This past Wednesday we had our guy with us for the day, so we took a quick drive up north as a family- desperately in search of some New England foliage. And, to be quite honest, there wasn’t all that much. But the drive and the scenery still sure were beautiful. We headed up to Winvian Farm- a family favorite- and admired the property, took some pictures, found some fallen leaves, and enjoyed a delicious Bloody Mary. We then headed towards Kent and came across the most charming little town square, complete with farmer’s market, art galleries and cute little restaurants. 

It was the perfect little day trip just the three of us. Four, including Georgia. And it’s days and trips like these that make me fall so in love with life in New England, over and over again. Whether the leaves are green, or burnt or  fallen on the ground- there’s always so much beauty just a quick car ride away. 


Life Lately


Homemade Chicken + Veggie Soup