Life Lately

Lilies and Lambs

Where, oh where, did September go? It feels like this month has flown by- and I can’t believe that in just one week we’ll be welcoming October. If you’ve been around for a while, you know this is my favorite time of year. There’s just something so refreshing about the start of the school year; about the weather changing and the welcome of crisp nights, football season, bonfires and chunky knits.

Maddie has been back to school for a few weeks now. And while the initial transition was harder than I had imagined- she never cried once when I would drop her last year- I think we are officially over the hump and have found our stride. Fall has been off to a pretty successful- and beautiful- start for us over here. And we look forward to a spooky few weeks before getting into the full swing of the holidays {eeek!}

Here are a few updates in our life lately:

Life Lately Lilies and Lambs

Little Ballerina: MM has officially started ballet and she is obsessed. Which is great, because I just can’t get enough of her all clad in pink with top knots and pig tails. Watching this girl try new things and figure out what makes her tick has been one of the best parts of motherhood so far- and there have certainly been a few that she does NOT like. For now, she’s loving to dance. So we’ll ride that tulle wave for as long as it lasts.

Life Lately Lilies and Lambs

Family Dates: This past weekend marked the first official of the fall, and we took full advantage. Lately we’ve been making a point of spending quality family time together- a night in Newport, a quick trip to Kent, and a few brunches and dinners. Just the three of us. This weekend we headed seaside- checking out nearby Rowayton Seafood before heading to the Norwalk Boat Show. I’ve lived in this town for most of my life, and yet had never tried Rowayton Seafood. And it sure did live up to all the fresh fish hype. Philip and I shared a delicious raw bar platter and a chilled half lobster while Maddie enjoyed her mac n’ cheese. And a glass of Sancerre for mama, of course.

Ladies’ Lunch: Friday I spent the most beautiful morning with local female entrepreneurs hosted by Barbara and Carolina of Host to Perfection and Liz from Mrs. Nipple. It was so amazing to meet so many inspiring women- many of whom I’ve known only through Instagram for several years now. We enjoyed the most spectacular view, arranged some florals with Diana of Alice’s Table and nibbled on delicious bites from Sono Baking Co. I left ready for fall and excited for the next time I get to meet up with these local gals.

Life Lately Lilies and Lambs

Football Sundays: Football season is upon us. And we celebrate every Sunday at the Matkovic household. Complete with all the finger foods, bloodies, and seasonal brews. You can find some of my tried and true recipes here and here. And this Bloody Mary is hands down one of my faves.

Feeling Festive: In case the pumpkins, and mums and all the apples that have recently inundated my Instagram feed didn’t make it clear: we are very into fall over here. And with each passing Halloween, our girl gets more and more into the season. She’s all about dressing up, and hocus pocus and dressing up in the Witch’s hat gifted to her by her Auntie Bear. She’s insistent on being Snow White this year- and that her hair must be black. So if you know anyone with a toddler sized wig, send them my way.


Festive Fall PJs


Family Drives