to do, Connecticut Kids morgan matkovic to do, Connecticut Kids morgan matkovic

Summer Bucket List

Earlier this week Maddie and I sat down and came up with some ideas for our summer. She’s enrolled in a few camps here and there, but for the most part we don’t have many plans and I’m really looking forward to some quality time together, just us two.

Always one to level up the fun, Maddie suggested we put all of our ideas in a “Summer Bucket List Jar,” and on unscheduled days we will draw from it and let fate decide what we do… Genius!

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travel, to do morgan matkovic travel, to do morgan matkovic

Virtual Disney

Yesterday my mama forwarded an article with links to a few virtual tours of some well-loved rides at the Happiest Place on Earth. Like so many people, we had to cancel a trip to Mickey’s House this season; leaving our girls longing for that Disney magic. Being that we’re self-proclaimed Disney Geeks- you can find more in my guides here and here- I thought I’d share some links to our favorite rides and shows.

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Connecticut Kids, to do, baby morgan matkovic Connecticut Kids, to do, baby morgan matkovic

25 + Educational Ways To Keep The Kids Busy- From a Former Teacher

Ok, if I’m being honest I’m playing a little fast and loose with the term teacher. I never technically had my own classroom. But I do have just a few units left before I earn my Masters in Education, and I spent over a year in a local elementary school as an in-house sub. Plus I do have a current GPA of 4.0, meaning I know a thing or two or writing a lesson plan.

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to do, Connecticut Kids, baby morgan matkovic to do, Connecticut Kids, baby morgan matkovic

10 Things To Do With The Kids When It’s Hot, Hot, Hot

This post was originally intended to be part of the “Weekend Recap” series. But with the temps in the 90’s the past few days, we didn’t do anything all that noteworthy other than stay cool. That said, we did keep ourselves super busy as a family- a trip to see The Lion King, a few dance parties, a lot of playing dress up and a couple home-cooked meals.

So, instead, I decided to do a little roundup of our favorite ways to spend a summer afternoon when its HOT, HOT, HOT.

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5 Indoor Activities To Do with the kids

Brrrr! At the risk of sounding redundant: its cold. And if you're home with the littles like Yours Truly, then cabin fever may be setting in already. This past week I brought out all the stops to keep MM entertained indoors. We dined out at our favorite restaurants. We attended the best local drop-in classes. And we even enjoyed some of our favorite indoor activities at home- in the comfort of our PJs. 

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A Night at the Carnival

Five years ago in  September, I met a tall, handsome drink of water that would soon become my husband. It was a Sunday morning in a local pub- his eyes were glued to the New England patriots on the tube. And despite the fact that I had never laid eyes on him before, I quickly learned we were both townies, and had crossed paths many times in our lives. 

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life, connecticut morgan matkovic life, connecticut morgan matkovic

Happy Place

If laughter is the best medicine, then unseasonably warm weather in February is a close second.

This past holiday weekend the weather gods graced us Connecticut folk with spectacular sunshine and a well-deserved respite from the cold. MM's dad was away for most of the weekend- enjoying his annual ski trip with the guys in Vermont. But we didn't miss the opportunity to return to the local beach that becomes our second home in the summers.

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To Do: Stamford Museum + Nature Center

Now that my mini is essentially a toddler- one with a lot of energy and very little desire to nap- I rely on our daily acitivities big time. Maddie loves getting out of the house and exploring- exerting that energy, meeting new people, seeing new things, and learning about her ever-growing world. I sometimes forget just how amazing it is to watch her see something for the first time- like a turkey gobble as it wobbles right before her; a llama kissing its mama; or a cow licking its nose. 

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life morgan matkovic life morgan matkovic

Rainy Play Day

After three days of being spoiled rotten by beautiful springtime weather and lots of happy walks outside, the rain clouds descended; humbling us and leaving mom scratching her head to find an activity. Lucky for us, my other half is a "doer"- the kind of guy that is chock full of ideas and always wants to be on the go. His suggestion? Take the babe to the aquarium!

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