5 Indoor Activities To Do with the kids

Indoor Activities Lilies and Lambs

Brrrr! At the risk of sounding redundant: its cold. And if you're home with the littles like Yours Truly, then cabin fever may be setting in already. This past week I brought out all the stops to keep MM entertained indoors. We dined out at our favorite restaurants. We attended the best local drop-in classes. And we even enjoyed some of our favorite indoor activities at home- in the comfort of our PJs. 

So because I have a hunch its going to be a long, and possible very snowy, winter. I've rounded up a few of my favorite local indoor things to do with the kiddos.

Here's to staying warm, and entertained, folks!


Chelsea Piers Little Althete Zone

Chelsea Piers CT Lilies and Lambs

Semester long classes can get pricey here in Connecticut. So I'm a big fan of drop-in classes that don't break the bank. The Little Athlete Zone at Chelsea Piers is a great way to spend an hour or two on cold days. It's $10 for non-members, so its pretty guilt-free when kids start to lose interest. But the trampoline floor, ball pit and slides keep my little entertained for quite some time- or at least long enough to burn off a little pent up winter energy!

Green Moon Art Studio

Green Moon Art Lilies and Lambs

This week I dropped Maddie off for her first Green Moon art class of the semester. As we walked in, she told me "its the best class!" If you don't believe me, then definitely take it from her. But if you don't want to commit to a full semester of classes- that include art, music and other teacher-led activities- they have drop in classes a few days a week, too. You can find the full schedule here; classes available in Greenwich and Rowayton. 

Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk  

Maritime Aquarium At Norwalk

Please forgive the ancient picture above- I have yet to take MM to the aquarium this winter. But nonetheless, its a tried and true way to pass the time during the colder New England days. I grew up going to the Maritime Aquarium, and its still one of the more fun ways to spend a chilly afternoon. And if you have a kiddo old enough to sit through a movie, stick around for their IMAX features. They're pretty amazing.

Greenwich Library Drop-In Sessions

Books Lilies and Lambs

I've taken MM to library classes since she was about three months old. To be honest, the registered classes are not my favorite. The classes themselves are adorable, but their rigidity when it comes to attendance is a bit much for my parenting style. Madeline missed two sessions due to napping and a stubborn cold, and I was given a strict talking to about her absences. She was under a year old. However, the classes themselves are entertaining for the kids. And while I don't necessarily recommend the registered classes, the drop-ins are a great way to spend a winter's morning. The schedules vary from library to library in town; you can find a complete schedule here.

PS: If you're local and are ever in the market for museum passes for the variety of museums in town, the library allows you to check them out based on availability for free.

Make Your Own Fun At Home

Baking With Kids Lilies and Lambs

Getting out during the winter months is great. But sometimes the Snow Gods make that somewhat impossible. Cozy days in by the fire are some of my favorite- if you follow along on Instagram, then you know I'm a big fan of living in PJs. So on days when we are stuck inside, here are some of my favorite ways to pass the time with my tiny human.

1. Bake and Decorate Cookies

2. Bathtime, with all the bubbles and toys

3. Puzzles- anything with letters and numbers, preferably

4. Have a Dance Party

5. Mommy and Me Yoga- just type it in on YouTube

6. Build an Indoor Scavenger Hunt

7. Balloon Tennis

8. Whip Up Some Hot Cocoa

9. Built a Fort

10. And if all else fails, Netflix.


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