March Roundup

March Roundup Lilies and Lambs

OK, Mother Nature. Joke's over. Bring on the spring. These winters in Connecticut have never been my favorite, but lately they seem to be staying way past their welcome. Although this winter didn't keep us snowed in too many times, it just won't seem to end. And bright spring-like days are quickly followed up by cold or rain or snow. This weather sure is keeping us on our toes; and if nothing else will ensure we soak up every single second of spring and summer when they arrive. {They will arrive, right?!?}

But despite the weather, we had a gorgeous little March on our hands. We saw a hit broadway musical, took a much-needed trip to California, and I enjoyed a well-deserved girls night out in the city with close friends. And while cooped up inside we practiced our dance moves and the art of the perfect bubble bath. 

Here's hoping our spring joins us this April. What are your plans for next month??

Lilies and Lambs
Lilies and Lambs Terrain
Lilies and Lambs
Lilies and Lambs San Francisco
Lilies and Lambs