Friday Favorites

{A Target find that spruced up my week} 

{A Target find that spruced up my week} 

Friday already?! This week's been a fast one- starting off cold and snowy and ending happily sunny + spring-like. 

The past few days have been filled with a few fun excursions, afternoon walks + shipping off lots of pretty packages filled with lyrical baby onesies.

In the midst of it all, my Maddie Mae turned ten months old- blowing my mind when I finally made the realization. My little babe is no longer such a baby- she stands + babbles + is so close to walking; but she'll forever be my little girl. It goes way too fast; and as exhausting as it sometimes is, these 10 months with her have been the best of my life. And I can't wait to explore another season outdoors with her this spring.

Here's hoping this warmth + sunshine stays a while! Have a happy weekend, and in the meantime enjoy your last weekday cup of Joe with some of my Friday Faves:

{My first born enjoying a sunny siesta} 

{My first born enjoying a sunny siesta} 

{This chick is growing up, but she's still my little babe} 

{This chick is growing up, but she's still my little babe} 

{Twinkle, Twinkle: The porch is ready for an evening glass of rosé thanks to the hubby + Target} 

{Twinkle, Twinkle: The porch is ready for an evening glass of rosé thanks to the hubby + Target} 

{Sending out an order for a bouncing baby girl} 

{Sending out an order for a bouncing baby girl} 

{Cheerful Cherry Blossoms} 

{Cheerful Cherry Blossoms} 

{Don't forget to enter our IG Giveaway!} 

{Don't forget to enter our IG Giveaway!} 


5 Things


Hooray it's a Giveaway