5 Things


This past weekend was pretty perfect- the sun was shining, we spent some much needed time outdoors, and Maddie Mae + I got to watch Dad coach his very favorite sport. We also enjoyed our first good old fashion bbq of the year- complete with delish margaritas, family + friends. 

It's weekends like these that make me stop to count our lucky stars, and feel humbled by how blessed I really am.  

Here are five things I'm currently {extra} grateful for: 

1. Family + Friends : I'm always grateful for the people that make my life so full, but recently I've allowed myself to lean on them a little more than usual. Sleep training the little one back into her crib has been a challenge; so today I'm grateful for the ones that have helped ease the path to a restful night for all of us.


2. The Great Outdoors: After a long, chilly winter I'm always grateful for the first warm days. Now that I can share the season with a little one, I'm extra grateful for the time outside. Every time she happily grabs a blade of grass it makes my heart sing.


3. Our Hometown : I've always loved the town where my husband and I grew up. Throughout the years I've spent many stints away- and while I've enjoyed them all, I've always known I wanted to return to this place I call home. Now married with a family of my own, I'm so grateful that Maddie Mae gets to grow up in this beautiful place, just like her mama and dad.



4.  {Wo}man's Best Friend: This poor guy has really taken a back seat to MM over the last ten months. But boy, has he taken it like a champ. He's sweet and patient and so low-maintenance that I sometimes forget he's there. Which makes me feel both guilty and eternally grateful; particularly on days where my hands are full. Henry is truly the best dog a girl could ask for, and I'm beyond grateful he's my little one's big brother.


5. This Little Blog: I made a decision several months back to give this blog a real shot in 2016. In the last four months it has transformed from a hobby to pass the time between feedings into a business that allows me to pursue my creative passions and write for an amazing audience. I've tripled my page views, participated in marketing campaigns for major brands, and have been published three times on Huff Po- with more exciting ventures on the horizon. I believe doors only open if you are in motion, and this blog has given me the momentum needed for these opportunities. So for this little blog, I'm incredibly grateful.




Friday Favorites