life, favorite finds morgan matkovic life, favorite finds morgan matkovic

Friday Favorites

Friday already?! This week's been a fast one- starting off cold and snowy and ending happily sunny + spring-like.

The past few days have been filled with a few fun excursions, afternoon walks + shipping off lots of pretty packages filled with lyrical baby onesies.

In the midst of it all, my Maddie Mae turned ten months old- blowing my mind when I finally made the realization. My little babe is no longer such a baby- she stands + babbles + is so close to walking; but she'll forever be my little girl. It goes way too fast; and as exhausting as it sometimes is, these 10 months with her have been the best of my life. And I can't wait to explore another season outdoors with her this spring.


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favorite finds morgan matkovic favorite finds morgan matkovic

Hello. I Love You.

Oh, hey February. So happy to be here. And what better way to kick off the month of love than with my very first giveway? Woot Woot. I'm so happy to be hosting with some of my favorite ladies to give one lovely reader this adorable Valentine's Day gift for mama and her little.

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