Instagram Q + A: Baby Essentials


Over the last few weeks I’ve taken to Instagram to ask your help with a few baby-centered questions.

It started with my recent quest for a new option for baby sleepers. In case you missed it, I had been pretty set on using the Rock n’ Play Sleeper again for baby number two. The Fisher-Price option was the only way we got some sleep when MM first came home, and she slept so soundly in it for the first three months of her life. However, in light of the recent recall, I’ve abandoned the idea of using one again; and have been on the search for another option this time around.

You all responded with so many great sleeper options, that I asked for your baby advice in a few other areas- asking for your favorites when it comes to: formula options, baby wearing, online clothes shopping and registry must-haves.

Below I’ve compiled your top answers, along with some of my tried-and-true favorites. Comment below with some of your own!


Baby Sleepers


Halo Swivel Sleeper - We recently bought this one with this insert for baby number two

Dockatot - click here for $10 off your purchase

Formula Options

Earth’s Best - This one was the favorite of yours, by far

Baby’s Only - Another reader favorite

HIPP Organic - A European formula, formulated in Germany

Holle - Another European option you all loved

Similac Sensitive + Organic - I used Similac with Madeline, and it worked great for us from day one. Being that our hospital is a Similac hospital, I may just switch to the organic version of this tried and true formula this time around.

Baby Wearing

Artipoppe - So pretty, and comes highly recommended by my friend, Mrs. Nipple

Solly Baby Wrap - Love all their prints, and one of your most recommended wraps

Beco Gemini

Boba Wrap

Baby Bjorn Carrier

Wild Bird - Deemed the “fastest carrier around,” this one is another reader-favorite

Online Shopping for Baby

GAP - My favorite for basics, and always on sale

Zara - Love their clothes for every day and for sweet dresses on a budget



Bonpoint - My favorite for special occasions. Their pieces are pricey, but are beyond gorgeous and make great heirlooms

The Little White Company

Baby Registry Musts

Dockatot - One of the most highly recommended among readers when it comes to baby registry musts. I didn’t use a dockatot when Maddie was itty bitty, but I’ll be adding this to my list this time around

Nest Cam

Owlet - New since Maddie was a baby, this was on the top of my list for baby number two. This gadget tracks baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels and sends real-time notifications and insights to Mom and Dad. * There has been some debate about radiation exposure from the sock, so as always consult a doctor/pediatrician before using

Halo Sleep Sack - One of your most recommended must-haves and one of our most-used items when Maddie was a baby

Mamaroo - This one didn’t work for us first time around- different strokes for different babies- but it was highly recommended by readers and friends alike

Baby Bjorn Bouncer

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photo by Julia Dags