Morgan Matkovic

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To The Silver Haired Lady…

To the silver haired lady that gently took my hand in the airport ~

Your eyes were kind.
Your face was patient; pensive.

You watched our little family and saw yours in mine.
You waited a moment, then quietly approached.
You sweetly, softly asked if you could say hi to our girl.

“Yes, but she might not respond,” my husband said.
She said, “I know. Mine was like that, too.”

And yet she tried anyways, as we do~
with Love. Acceptance. Understanding.

And then she took my hand.
“It’s going to be OK,” she whispered. “I’ve been there and it’s going to be OK. It’s hard, but it’s going to be OK.”

And then we chatted for a bit with tears in our eyes.
Her mother-in-law’s name was Lila, too.

I’ll never forget it.

So to the silver haired airport angel, thank you.
And to the other moms just like us~

It’s going to be OK.

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