Friday Favorites

Grove Collaborative Lilies and Lambs

Happy Friday, friends. It's been a great- but very busy- week over here in Connecticut. 

It's been one of those weeks- the kind where I felt like I was constantly running around, with so many places to be, but without accomplishing anything all that significant. I caught up on the mundane necessities around the house- dry cleaning was dropped off and picked up, a major trip to Costco was completed, and SO MUCH laundry was done. Like, so much. And I finally got myself back into the groove of taking some time each day to break a sweat.

Maddie Mae started her new art class at Green Moon- and loved it! I successfully completed my first Instagram takeover at Grove Collaborative and had so much fun sharing how I incorporate my favorite Grove products in our daily lives. If you {try} to live green, check them out here. They have some amazing products that are eco-friendly and smell great too.

This weekend we'll be taking MM to Disney on Ice, and I'm not quite sure who's the most excited about it. I can't wait to see her little face light up and hear that happy squeal when she sees all her favorite princesses skating around. If you're a Disney nerd like us, follow along on Instagram where I'll be sharing snaps on my story throughout the show!

Happy Friday! 

Lilies and Lambs

{A candid shot of these two during our impromptu holiday card shoot at Tod's Point}

Anthropology Westport Lilies and Lambs

{The most amazing wall at the very beautiful new Anthropologie in Westport }

Green Moon Art Lilies and Lambs

{My mini clad in Minnie before art class- dress ON SALE here}

Thankful Mug Lilies and Lambs

{A seasonally appropriate mug I swooped up here}

Grove Collaborative Lilies and Lambs

{My new favorite reusable tote from Grove Collaborative}