
I met this man of mine one ordinary Sunday in September, almost four years ago. We quickly became friends over Bloody Mary's and the New England Patriots; and even more quickly became engaged- after just six months of knowing each other. I had never met a man that was both care-free, jovial and so young at heart, while simultaneously being so protective, principled and wise. The kind of guy that walks home from work in a handsome suit and tie paired with a backwards cap and flip-flops. The kind of guy that makes your heart skip a beat when your first meet. I fell in love with him and those baby blues from the moment I laid eyes on them; and after only weeks of knowing him I knew he was the kind of man that would make not only an amazing husband, but, more importantly, would be the kind of father most girls only dream of. And never has my intuition been so spot on. 

This young-at-heart guy turns a year older this weekend, and our girl and I can't wait to shower him with all the love, vanilla cake, Brooklyn Summers and fireworks he could ask for.

Happy Birthday #4. We love you.