Mommy Must-Haves


When we were expecting, my husband and I were clueless as to what we would need when Maddie Mae arrived. In fact, after nursery furniture was purchased my husband said to me, "that's pretty much it, right?" Not so much. With all the options out there, it can be overwhelming. Everyone has an opinion, including your baby, so it's hard to predict just what will work for you... But after ten plus weeks of trial and error, here are the products I couldn't live without:

1. Boppy Feeding Pillow- This wonder pillow is a great investment, perfect for feedings, lounging + tummy time. 

2. Wubbanub - I was against the pacifier going into this pregnancy, but, like so many of my plans, that quickly went out the window when the little one arrived. She isn't dependent on it, but its great to be able to soothe her with her binkie if need be. The Wubbanubs are perfect, as the small stuffed animal rests on her belly and prevents the pacifier from falling out of her mouth. And honestly, they're just super cute.

3. Motorola Video Baby Monitor- OBSESSED. For a mom that didn't take her eyes off her baby for the first 48 hours of her life, transitioning her from our room to the nursery was a big deal, to say the least. Being able to see and hear miss Maddie using this gadget, however, made the move doable. The image is clear, the zoom and scan features are amazing, and you can even control nursery rhymes from the other room. We are all sleeping a little easier thanks to this monitor.

4. Munchkin Bottle Warmer- When we first came home from the hospital, we tortured ourselves trying to warm bottles from the faucet- waiting minutes for the water to get warm enough and then dipping the bottle in a bowl of water that got cold within minutes. No fun. I picked this warmer up at Target, and it was the best $20 I ever spent. Ten weeks later it's still working like a charm.

5. Puj Infant Tub- As a first-time mom, I was so nervous for bath time. And the thought of doing it on my own made my stomach turn. The Puj infant tub makes bath time super quick and easy.

6. Diaper Genie- To Genie or not to genie was definitely a discussion in our house before baby. The thought of all those dirty diapers sitting in a trash can made me cringe. I chose to get the Genie based on aesthetics and dimensions alone, and it was one of the best nursery decision I made. The odor lock system is great, the bags are easy to change, and the hands-free foot pedal is a must when changing a squirming baby.

7. Nuna Ivvi- Admittedly, I didn't do a whole lot of research when it came to my stroller system- I saw the Nuna Ivvi and just liked it- so call it dumb luck that I am so in love with this gem of a stroller. It's lightweight, durable, and super easy to change settings- making the transition from carseat to stroller seat a whiz. The storage basket is the perfect size for diaper bag, and the stroller frame can be folded down in a second. Nuna Ivvi, I would buy you all over again.

8. Wetness-Indicator Diapers- A lot of preggo girlfriends ask me about diapers. Admittedly, I'm a sucker for Honest diapers. Yes, they are eco-friendly, and that is great. But anchors and skulls? How can I resist. As cute as they might be, wetness indicator diapers are really the way to go. Especially when you first bring baby home. As far as Pampers vs. Huggies? Whatever is on sale.

9. Magnificent Baby Onesies- And when you buy your diapers on sale, you can use your extra spending money for these LIFE-CHANGING onesies.  Mid-night diaper changes are not so fun- particularly when you are faced with the rubix-cube-like challenge of buttoning onesies with one sleep-deprived eye open. These onesies have the god-sent gift of magnetic closures, making changing baby at 2am seem almost easy.  Genius.

10.  This website/app has become my best friend in the last few weeks. With free overnight shipping on orders of $49 and above, you have nearly every baby-related item at your fingertips. Perfect in those pre-vaccination weeks that make it almost impossible to run out to the store., you're good people.