What's the Word, Hummingbird?

Making the decision to announce our big news to our world via social media was one that took a lot of thought. To post or not to post, that was the question.  For us, getting pregnant wasn't easy, so we hesitated to post something so big on a social platform- we didn't want to hurt feelings or "jinx" anything...  In the end, however, we felt the joy was something worth sharing-- and considering so much of our family and friends are scattered across the country, it really was the fastest way to get the word out.  We toyed with a lot of ideas, including the red, white + blue option above-- she'll be a summer baby, my husband has a summer birthday, and those moccasins are just too cute.  But, in the end, we opted for a bean boot tribute in front of the fire.  We posted on Christmas Day, and it just felt right. 

ll bean boots pregnancy announcement

ll bean boots pregnancy announcement

knit baby bean boots, now displayed in the nursery

knit baby bean boots, now displayed in the nursery

For more announcement ideas click here.  How would you announce your bump?