Summer Bucket List
Earlier this week Maddie and I sat down and came up with some ideas for our summer. She’s enrolled in a few camps here and there, but for the most part we don’t have many plans and I’m really looking forward to some quality time together, just us two.
Always one to level up the fun, Maddie suggested we put all of our ideas in a “Summer Bucket List Jar,” and on unscheduled days we will draw from it and let fate decide what we do… Genius!
A bright + cheery Summer DIY with Scotties
Ever since becoming a mom, there are a few products that have become year-round staples in our lives: Hand sanitizer? Check. Band-Aids? Check. Facial tissue? Double Check.
These are the things that fill our home these days. Because germs, and boo-boo’s and sniffling, itchy noses can happen twelve months out of the year now. And that’s just with one little running around the house.