Posts tagged candy shop photography
A Sweet Gift with Candyshop

I don't know about you, but shopping for my hubby can be hard. After nearly four years of marriage, we've covered most of the typical gifts to give a significant other- watch, cufflinks, lacrosse gear- check, check, check. OK, lacrosse gear may not be that typical, but nonetheless its already been crossed right off that list.


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A Walk In The Park

A few weeks ago I shared a few tips from the pros to the make the most out of your family holiday photo shoot {here}.

As I mentioned, our session with Candy Shop Photography took place in our local park- in the very spot I grew up taking my family photos. Maddie had a blast, as usual- laughing, running, and being her usual goofy self. And dad and Henry were total troopers {and dreamboats, to boot}. As you may have noticed from my distinct absence from most of my frames here and on Instagram, I'm a little camera shy- so I definitely had a few butterflies in my stomach over this year's shoot. Especially because it was at 8am, making it wholly inappropriate to have a helpful mimosa or two. To be honest, last year's was a hair before sunset, so it was a totally different story.

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Friday Favorites

Like most years, I've found myself totally smitten with this year's fall. Leaves are changing, the house smells of apple and pumpkin and cinnamon, we're cozying up to spooky movies, and the countdown to the holidays has officially begun. There really is just something about it that feels like "home." And like most things, it feels just a bit more special enjoying it with our girl- watching her devour her first apple cider donut, pick her first pumpkin and play with her first golden leaf making this time of year all the more magical.

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