Posts tagged 2017

The holidays are officially over and we have returned from our vacation in dreamy California. It was a lovely holiday season that, as always, went way too quickly. But we are back at home, and happy to settle back in our routine and into the new year. 

Typically I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions. But I do try to take the start of a new year to refocus on what makes me feel good- inside and out. Sometimes its just a simple tweak that can make all the difference. And because I'm a big believer in writing down what we need and want, here are a few things I'm committing to in 2017:

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Perfect Planner

For as long as I can remember, I've had this thing for planners.

Even in elementary school, I would look forward to the start of each school year- when I could happily invest in a crisp, brand new one. To this day there are few things that get me as pumped as meticulously writing a to-do list, then proudly crossing items off as I complete them. Pair that with my favorite pen, and it's pure bliss. I know. Nerd alert. 

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