2 Years in September


September will mark 2 years since our lives changed completely -

2 years since our #asd diagnosis.

2 years since our private preschool kicked us out only days after.

2 years since I felt so helpless and lost- and crippled with fear that the way they treated us would be our new normal -

That the world didn’t have room for us anymore.

That doors would only be shut in our face, as they were that day.

That there would be no empathy.
No support. No kindness.

The day we were dismissed still remains one of the worst of my life - being sent home with a child with no back up plans; no support, when we so desperately needed it.

I scrambled. I pivoted. I figured it out.

That’s what us moms do.

I became an accidental advocate overnight.

And once we got our girl where she needed to be, I wrote-

A story about difference and acceptance.
A story about sisterhood and awareness.
A story about kindness. About being Her Voice.

I wasn’t sure how many of you would read it; if anyone cared.

But today I am packing up 165 copies to send to a mom and her daughter, Georgia, in PA- Strangers I met on the internet that felt so moved by our story that they sold handmade kindness bracelets to raise money to put them in schools around their community.

2 years ago, I would never have dreamed this possible ~

That while some people lack empathy; can be callous and act in disheartening ways… There is so much goodness in this world.

That there is an entire generation that is seeing that difference is beautiful; and that patience and understanding and kindness are paramount. Above all else.

Thank you sweet Georgia for inspiring me; and for reviving the hope I have that together we can make this world a safe, gentler, kinder place for our kiddos.

Get your copy of My Sister, Lila Lee here

And if you’re interested in placing our story in schools near you, email me and we will figure out how to make this happen :)


Back To School Essentials