Friday Favorites | On a Rainy Fall Day

LL Bean Boots Hunter Boots

The last full week of October and we already have our first snow fall under our belt. Thankfully, it was short and sweet- quickly turning into a rainy fall day. Which made for a cozy, albeit interesting afternoon- all cooped up inside with one very busy toddler. So although it was a tad chilly and drizzly, I took the opportunity to dress the mini up in her very first raincoat and pair of Hunters for a quick trip outside- to kick around some wet leaves and work up an appetite for a much needed nap. And while we didn't necessarily earn that afternoon snooze, the little girl was in awe over the wet stuff falling from the sky.  It's times like these that still blow my mind about motherhood- that there will be a lifetime of seeing her experience even the smallest of things for the first time with wonder in her eye- like puddle jumping and boot wearing. And it's fulfilling in a way I could never have imagined; in a way that makes it all worthwhile.

Kids First Hunter Rainboots
Bonpoint Rain Coat Hunter Boots
Bonpoint Rain Coat Hunter Boots
Bonpoint Rain Coat Hunter Boots
Bonpoint Rain Coat Hunter Rain Boots


IN THIS POST: Mom: boots  | Mini: boots / jacket {similar}

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