A Spooky Night In


Just thirteen days left until Halloween, giving us plenty of time to enjoy a few family nights-in with some of our favorite spooky, but kid-friendly, flicks. There's nothing better on a crisp, fall night than cozying up with my love and my mini to enjoy a classic. Last night we opted for my all-time-favorite, It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. I pulled out some cozy fall blankets, baked some festive sugar cookies {thank you, Pillsbury}, and cuddled-up in front of the fire to watch the Peanuts gang celebrate the season. It was the perfect weekday way to enjoy one of our favorite times of year as a family.

Here are some of my other Halloween faves, in no particular order: 

1. Halloweentown

2. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey's Monster Musical

3. Girl vs. Monster (Netflix)

4. Hotel Transylvania  (Netflix)

5. It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

6. Under Wraps  

7. Hocus Pocus  

8. The Nightmare Before Christmas  

9. Casper

10. Monster House  

11. Spooky The Square Pumpkin

12. When Good Ghouls Go Bad

13. Disney's Halloween Treat 


And as for the cookies: I couldn't help myself when I saw these batty cutout cookies in the freezer section. I added some vanilla frosting + orange sanding sugar for good measure. That qualifies as semi-homemade, right?

Pillsbury Bat Shape Sugar Cutout Cookies
Pillsbury Bat Shape Sugar Cutout Cookies
Pillsbury Bat Shape Sugar Cutout Cookies