Morgan Matkovic

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Breakfast 'Dilla

Recently, I've gotten really into making breakfast. I was never a big breakfast-girl growing up, but in my adult years I've made a point to at least eat something- a bar here, a smoothie there. But now that I've been cooking breakfast for Maddie Mae on a regular basis- the girl loves her pancakes- I've started thinking about some quick and delicious meals I can make for myself and the hubs.

I came across this recipe for breakfast quesadillas on Pinterest- they looked colorful and delicious, and the fact that I had all the ingredients on hand completely won me over. This semi-healthy dish took a total of ten minutes to make- that's including snapping pics along the way. These 'dillas will definitely see some facetime in our morning lineup, and might even double as a quick afternoon treat or post-dinner dessert. YUM!



Chocolate Chips

Sliced Banana

Sliced Strawberries

Peanut Butter

Cooking Spray

Honey or Syrup {to drizzle}


Spread Peanut Butter on Tortilla

Layer Banana + Berries on one half of the Tortilla

Sprinkle Chocolate Chips on top of Banana + Berries

Fold in half

Coat pan with cooking spray

Cook quesadilla until golden brown

Top with sliced fruit and a drizzle of honey or syrup of your choice


See this gallery in the original post