Morgan Matkovic

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Blogger Recognition Award

Yesterday I was super excited to learn that my beautiful Instagram friend, Jennifer Flynn of Mamas + Coffee  nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award. Jennifer is a California-based blogger and mama to two little ones. You can see daily snaps of her life on her Instagram at @mamaspluscoffee. 

To keep spreading the love, I have nominated the following mamas for their amazing work. All of these ladies are so talented and inspiring - they so deserve to be recognized!

My Nominations: 

1. Melanie at My Love and Beyond  | IG @myloveandbeyond 

2. Suzanne at My Kind of Sweet  | IG @mykindofsweet

3. Eugénie at Choux n Co | IG @choux.nco

4. Kelsey at The Home Loving Wife  | IG @thehomelovingwife

5.  Stacy at Beia and Luna | IG @beiaandluna

6.  Raymis at Beautiful Eyes | IG @abeautifuleyestory

7. Taiba at Lifestyle of a Mom  | IG @lifestyleofamom

8. Breanna at Mom Beyond Mom | IG @mombeyondmom

9. Sarah at Colorado Baby Anderson | IG @cobabyanderson

10. Kassandra at Little Dekonings | IG @kassandradekoning

11.  Clarissa at My Wifestyles | IG @mywifestyles

12. Shelby at Her Lively Little Life | IG @youmeanIdleo

13. Alison at Anniebobs  | IG @anniebobsblog

14. Luce at Luce's Choices | IG @lucehg

15. Camille at Camille Elena | IG @camille.elena

 16. Kari at Don't Dress Like a Mom | IG @dontdresslikeamom

17. Samantha at Above Harrison | IG @samanthabroderick

18. Morgan at The White Farmhouse Blog  | IG @thewhitefarmhouseblog

19. Lauren at Wifestyles Blog | IG @_wifestyles_

20. Ashlee at Motherhood Menagerie | IG @motherhoodmenagerie

Seven Facts About Me: 

1. I am the oldest of four children and loved growing up in a big, loud, crazy family. But I'm not sure I could handle four of my own!

2. I was born in California but raised in Connecticut, in the same town where I now live with my husband and baby girl. 

3. My first child is a bulldog fur baby named Henry.  

4. I met my husband in the fall of 2012 and married him just over a year later.  

5. I grew up practicing synchronized swimming during the summers. To this day, I can't resist a back dolphin whenever I'm near a body of water.

6. I have my grandfathers birthdate {6.11.32} tattooed on my wrist; I went into labor with Madeline on the same month and date of 2015, but she didn't come until early the next morning.

7. I can never say no to a slice of cake.


If you were nominated and don’t want to participate, don’t worry about it, that’s perfectly fine. If you do...

  1. Make sure to thank the person that nominated you and include a link to their blog!
  2. Nominate your own 15 favorite bloggers! (You can do more if you just can’t choose!) They don’t have to belong to just one niche, the more variety the better.
  3. Share links to all of your nominees and let them know that you nominated them!
  4. And finally, share 7 facts about yourself in the post!