Blogger Recognition Award
Yesterday I was super excited to learn that my beautiful Instagram friend, Jennifer Flynn of Mamas + Coffee nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award. Jennifer is a California-based blogger and mama to two little ones. You can see daily snaps of her life on her Instagram at @mamaspluscoffee.
To keep spreading the love, I have nominated the following mamas for their amazing work. All of these ladies are so talented and inspiring - they so deserve to be recognized!
My Nominations:
1. Melanie at My Love and Beyond | IG @myloveandbeyond
2. Suzanne at My Kind of Sweet | IG @mykindofsweet
3. Eugénie at Choux n Co | IG @choux.nco
4. Kelsey at The Home Loving Wife | IG @thehomelovingwife
5. Stacy at Beia and Luna | IG @beiaandluna
6. Raymis at Beautiful Eyes | IG @abeautifuleyestory
7. Taiba at Lifestyle of a Mom | IG @lifestyleofamom
8. Breanna at Mom Beyond Mom | IG @mombeyondmom
9. Sarah at Colorado Baby Anderson | IG @cobabyanderson
10. Kassandra at Little Dekonings | IG @kassandradekoning
11. Clarissa at My Wifestyles | IG @mywifestyles
12. Shelby at Her Lively Little Life | IG @youmeanIdleo
13. Alison at Anniebobs | IG @anniebobsblog
14. Luce at Luce's Choices | IG @lucehg
15. Camille at Camille Elena | IG @camille.elena
16. Kari at Don't Dress Like a Mom | IG @dontdresslikeamom
17. Samantha at Above Harrison | IG @samanthabroderick
18. Morgan at The White Farmhouse Blog | IG @thewhitefarmhouseblog
19. Lauren at Wifestyles Blog | IG @_wifestyles_
20. Ashlee at Motherhood Menagerie | IG @motherhoodmenagerie
Seven Facts About Me:
1. I am the oldest of four children and loved growing up in a big, loud, crazy family. But I'm not sure I could handle four of my own!
2. I was born in California but raised in Connecticut, in the same town where I now live with my husband and baby girl.
3. My first child is a bulldog fur baby named Henry.
4. I met my husband in the fall of 2012 and married him just over a year later.
5. I grew up practicing synchronized swimming during the summers. To this day, I can't resist a back dolphin whenever I'm near a body of water.
6. I have my grandfathers birthdate {6.11.32} tattooed on my wrist; I went into labor with Madeline on the same month and date of 2015, but she didn't come until early the next morning.
7. I can never say no to a slice of cake.
If you were nominated and don’t want to participate, don’t worry about it, that’s perfectly fine. If you do...
- Make sure to thank the person that nominated you and include a link to their blog!
- Nominate your own 15 favorite bloggers! (You can do more if you just can’t choose!) They don’t have to belong to just one niche, the more variety the better.
- Share links to all of your nominees and let them know that you nominated them!
- And finally, share 7 facts about yourself in the post!