Morgan Matkovic

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Friday Favorites

{My brand new L+L cards and a new look for the cover page} 

T.G.I.F: Looking forward to the weekend ahead- a combination of some mommy time and a girls' night out, mixed with maddie's second swim class and hopefully some lazy family mornings in bed. I haven't gone out much sans Maddie in the last eight months, but I always feel like my tank is a little more full after a carefree night with good friends. 

Hope ya'll have a fab weekend. Here are a few of my week's favorites for you to enjoy this beautiful Friday morning:

{Sleeping Beauty} 

{The best darn flourless cake I ever did taste | Thankful for friends that are both baking geniuses + kind enough to drop off a random cake to sweeten my day}

{This goofy smile + her baby-chick-fuzzed head} 

{The sweetest pair of baby moccs I recently ordered for MM}

See this gallery in the original post